Solar in Pakistan Price: A Guide for 2024

Solar in Pakistan Price

Table of content 

  • Introduction
  • Why Solar Energy in Pakistan?
  • How Much Does Solar Energy Cost in Pakistan?
  • How to Choose the Best Solar System for Your Needs?
  • How to Save Money on Solar Energy in Pakistan?
  • Conclusion


Solar in Pakistan Price, A cost-effective and very promising renewable energy source in Pakistan is solar energy. solar energy can offer a clean and sustainable answer for the nation’s energy demands given its abundance of sunshine, high demand for electricity, and unreliability of the grid. There are still a lot of people in Pakistan who are ignorant of the costs, advantages, and available solutions related to solar energy. Using data from the online search, we will present a thorough guide on solar prices in Pakistan for 2024 in this post.

Why Solar Energy in Pakistan?

Pakistan is blessed with an average of 8 to 9 hours of sunshine per day, which translates to about 2,200 kWh of solar radiation per square meter per year. This means that Pakistan has a huge potential for solar energy generation, which can help reduce its dependence on fossil fuels, improve its energy security, and lower its carbon emissions.

Solar in Pakistan Price

The persistent power outages and load shedding that afflict Pakistan’s electrical industry can also be mitigated by solar energy. The World Bank estimates that Pakistan experiences an average electricity deficit of 4,500 MW, which has an impact on millions of people’s quality of life, social advancement, and economic progress. Rural and isolated locations may have more access to electricity because of solar energy’s decentralized and dependable power source, which can lighten the load on the grid.

The expenses that are related to the upkeep and the electric bills may be cut down with solar energy. In other words, that is 25 to 30 years, which is a very long time for solar systems to last and they need not much maintenance. Besides, solar systems minimize the grid transmission and distribution losses which are about 18% of Pakistan’s total electricity generation. Moreover, solar systems can be the answer to the problems caused by the increase of traditional power generating costs because they can also cut down the prices of fuel.

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How Much Does Solar Energy Cost in Pakistan?

The cost of solar energy in Pakistan is affected by a lot of factors, for example, the size, type, and quality of the solar system, the installation site and orientation, the solar equipment and labor availability and price, and the incentives and policies of the government and other stakeholders.

Nevertheless, to name a few, the average price of a 10 KW solar system in Pakistan is PKR 1,000,000 to PKR 1,400,000, depending on the quality and brand of the components used. A usual 10 KW solar system in Pakistan, for instance, can have 30 to 32 solar panels of 320 watts each, an inverter, a mounting structure, cables, and other accessories.

The price of a solar system may vary depending on the type of system installed. There are three main types of solar systems: grid-tied, off-grid, and hybrid.

  • Grid-tied solar systems are connected to the grid and use net metering to sell the excess electricity to the utility company or to buy the electricity from the grid when the situation demands. The grid-tied solar systems are cheaper than the off-grid or hybrid systems, as there are no batteries or backup generators needed. Despite these advantages, grid-tied solar systems require the grid to be available and stable and thus will not function during power outages.
  • The off-grid solar systems are independent and use generators or batteries to save the surplus energy and provide power when it is needed. The reason these systems are more costly is that, unlike grid-tied or hybrid systems, they require more equipment and maintenance. The off-grid solar systems are suitable for places that are far away from the city or anywhere else and have either unstable or no grids.
  • Grid-tied and off-grid solar systems are the same so they are combined to make hybrid systems. They are connected to the backup generators or batteries together with the grid. As hybrid solar systems may change from several power sources depending on the situation, they are more adaptable and efficient than grid-tied or off-grid systems. Since hybrid solar systems need more equipment and are more complicated than off-grid or grid-tied systems, they also are more expensive.

How to Choose the Best Solar System for Your Needs?

The optimal solar system for your needs will rely on several variables, including your goals and expectations, your location and site conditions, your budget and preferences, and your pattern of electricity usage.

Solar in Pakistan Price

Here are some steps that can help you choose the best solar system for your needs:

  • Calculate your electricity consumption: You can see on your electricity bills or you can use a load calculator to figure out how much power you use daily or a month. You are also able to determine your peak load hours and the critical loads that need a continuous power supply.
  • Choose your system type: You can pick the kind of system you want to use – grid-tied, off-grid, or hybrid – depending on your grid availability and reliability, your backup power needs, and your net metering eligibility. Besides, you can opt for solar panels of different kinds, for instance, monocrystalline, polycrystalline, or thin-film, depending on their efficiency, longevity, and price.
  • Compare different brands and models: You can compare different brands and models of solar equipment, such as panels, inverters, batteries, etc., including their quality, performance, warranty, and price. Besides, you can look for the online reviews and ratings of other customers and experts to see their reputation and trustworthiness.
  • Find a reputable installer: You will be able to find a registered and trusted installer, who can give you a clear quote, design, installation, and after-sales service for your solar system. Besides, you can also verify the credentials, experience, portfolio, and references of the artists to make sure their quality and professionalism are up to the mark.

How to Save Money on Solar Energy in Pakistan?

You can cut down on your solar energy costs in Pakistan by doing things like:. this sentence: Get some money and benefits: The government and other people who care about solar energy give you some money and benefits, like lower taxes, no sales tax, free electricity, etc. You can ask them for these money and benefits to make your solar system cheaper and easier to run. Make your solar system work better: Pick the best stuff, place, and angle for your solar system. this sentence: You can also keep your system in good shape by wiping the panels, checking the wires, changing the batteries, etc. You can also keep track of how your system is doing by using online tools or apps that show you the data and warnings in real-time. Save some money and power: Use less electricity by switching to low-watt devices, like LED lights, fans, TVs, etc. Also, be smart about your energy use, like turning off the lights when you leave, unplugging the stuff when you’re done, opening the windows instead of the AC, etc.


Solar energy is a great and easy option for Pakistan’s energy industry. We could totally power the whole country with solar energy, which is good for the environment. You can save money on maintenance and electricity bills by using solar energy. If you want to know how much solar energy costs and what you can do with it in Pakistan in 2024, this guide is for you. We hope this guide has helped you figure out how much solar costs in Pakistan. Let us know if you have any questions or ideas about this guide or solar energy in general by leaving a comment below. Thanks for checking out this stuff.

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